Advanced Spell Up Pills (100)
- Instantly spell yourself up!
- Save time and effort!
- This is a bottle of 100 pills.
Going out for a hunt and need to get ready? Just die and are dreading getting spells? Spell up pills are here to help! Simply TURN your bottle to retrieve a pilland then EAT the pill to get one instant advanced spell up, with no mana cost! These are commonly referred to as an invoker spellup.
- Spirit Defense
- Spirit Shield
- Purify Air
- Mantle of Faith
- Spirit Warding I
- Disease Resistance
- Poison Resistance
- Spirit Warding II
- Water Walking
- Elemental Defense I
- Elemental Defense II
- Elemental Defense III
- Thurfel's Ward
- Strength
- Natural Colors
- Resist Elements
- Mobility
- Mass Blur
- Foresight
- Mindward
- Floating Disk
Appearance: "A Rectangular Green Crystal Bottle"
Discounted for a limited time!